Guy St. Clair provides practical steps to help information professionals, knowledge leads and knowledge strategists become invaluable to their organizations.

As your organizations knowledge or information lead, ask yourself:

  1. When the organization, community, or group moves into the post-pandemic stage, are you prepared (and willing) to be a leader in the management of the organization’s intellectual capital?
  2. In terms of its “knowledge culture,” what is the greatest challenge for the organization, community, or group?
  3. Who is the ”knowledge champion” for the organization, community, or group? What is your relationship with that person?

Guy explains how using knowledge strategy, you can answer these important questions and move your organization forward.

If you missed “the father of knowledge services” second session on March 16th you can watch Guy St. Clair’s presentation below and learn practical advice about applying your very own knowledge strategy.

Don’t miss reading the article Guy references by John Connolly – “Why Your Library Should have a Strategic Plan

You can also watch the first session from February 16th – “How Managing the Organization’s Intellectual Capital Will Affect Recovery Success with Guy St. Clair“.


Did you find this webinar useful? During these difficult times, Soutron Global is putting together a series of educational webinars for the Information & Library Communities. Visit our Events page for the next webinar in Soutron Global’s Pandemic Recovery Program Webinar series.


Watch Guy St. Clair’s acceptance speech from the 2019 SLA Convention where he received the John Cotton Dana Award here.  It’s an inspiring speech and we know you’ll love it.

Watch the Entire Educational Webinar Series