Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
Another very busy and rewarding year is almost complete and we look forward to 2020 with excitement.
This past year we have made great strides in re-engineering Soutron software with new code being produced at a rapid pace. We are excited with each new release to extend the capabilities and simplify processes. There is more to do in 2020 and we continue down this path of continuous improvement.
The temptation to branch out and explore other avenues is ever present, such is the flexibility of the Soutron database, but our sole focus is working with the library and archive community and we remain fully committed. We are pleased to attract and welcome a number of new organizations across the UK and Ireland. This year we have also visited Ethiopia and Kenya to introduce Soutron to East Africa, working with new business partners to introduce systems in Nairobi and Addis Ababa. There we have met with librarians and archivists who are energetic and visionary for the development of their service. It is an exciting time. Closer to home we have enjoyed meeting with clients in user group meetings in Dublin, Ireland and Oxford, UK while in North America our colleagues at Soutron Global attended SLA and hosted meetings.
Christmas and New Year provides a chance to rest and relax, to recharge our batteries ready to resume activities in 2020 with fervor and excitement.
We wish you a very peaceful and happy Christmas and our best wishes for the New Year to all clients and friends and business partners. We are grateful to be working with you and greatly enjoy the challenges presented in our chosen sector and opportunities to be of service.
The Soutron Team!
Our Support Times
The Soutron offices in the United Kingdom will close for the festive season on Christmas Eve, Tuesday 24th December at 14.00 GMT and will re-open on Thursday 2nd January 2019 at 08.30 GMT.
Should you require urgent assistance during that period you can still contact us via our Support Portal or via email at helpdesk@soutron.com. Alternatively, you may wish to leave a message on our help desk support line +44 (0)1332 844 032.

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