Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
After a year of unbelievable challenges as to how we conduct our business lives, Christmas and New Year comes as a welcome break, when we can recharge our batteries and plan for a year ahead that will inevitably be shaped by the events of 2020.
For several years Soutron has used online communications in both marketing and support. Today this way of working has become the norm. Hopefully it will never replace personal, face to face meetings, where relationships are forged through visits with fellow librarians, archivists and information professionals. I hope not to lose sight of the value of such engagement. Ideas germinate when we meet, engage in discussions, comparing how different organizations operate and up until this year, has been a very important part of how we operate (our Travelling Librarian has in the words of one client become our “Lockdown Librarian”).
We hope that Christmas brings you good cheer, good health and the New Year brings renewed vigor to allow us to explore ways to improve information management in all its forms for the libraries, archives and record centers that we serve.
The Soutron Team!

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