Years after the first EDM (Electronic Document Management) systems appeared, their search capabilities still leave a lot to be desired.
Is it because authors of documents do not index their documents?
Or is it that search is poorly implemented in such systems?
In recent years we have supplied several clients with solutions that focus on Document Control. Documents are made searchable using Soutron’s full text indexing, search tools and hierarchical record structures, usually replacing a network drive and folders or an intranet application or a spreadsheet.
Why do we refer to this application by the phrase “Document Control” rather than “Document Management”?
Document Management
Document Management addresses the lifecycle of the document; the creation and versioning of documents. When a document is created and shared with others there is every likelihood that it passes through a number of versions and approval stages before the final document is ready to be released. It is then available for the intended audience and is stored in the Document Management system together with all of the versions of the document that were created along the way.
This is a vital tool for many organisations.
Our Strength LMS Document Control
Soutron’s strength is that as well as library management it can also be used as a simple solution to control documents, often in PDF format to provide a safe store to archive the final version of a document. It is permanently stored, locked from further editing, available to those authorised to access, read and use it. It could be referred to as records management or document archiving however, we use the term Document Control to indicate that the document is available in a controlled manner. Access may be restricted, security conditions might apply as to who can view, access, request use of a document.
An audit trail shows when a document has been searched, viewed, downloaded and by whom. More than a simple archive application.
Integration Beyond Library, thanks to XML
Soutron is designed to use XML as the default data exchange format which means we can easily integrate with non-library enterprise applications. Integration with applications such as Documents Management gives the corporate library a great opportunity to serve the organisation and improve search and access to documents across the enterprise.
The built-in RSS Viewer, easily applied in a customised Search Portal, presents the latest documents to users. All under the control of the librarian.
Learn more about:
> Soutron Library Management
> Soutron Records Management
> Soutron Business Archive
>> Compare our Software Solutions
Graham Beastall – Founder. Graham’s background is in Accountancy, Public Administration, Organizational Theory and Library Technologies with a deep technical understanding of databases and web technologies. More posts by Graham.

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