Do you have the other Spectre in your library?

New James Bond Spectre

Lost in the rows of the bookshelves, tucked away in an archive or filed under missing, do you have a batch of titles that have disappeared from your library? These missing titles have puzzled you for days, weeks or even years. Just what happened to these books?

Perhaps they fell through a gap in the shelves? Is there any way to find out without turning the whole library inside out? You have carried out your investigations, pointed the finger at possible suspects and yet the puzzle of these missing titles still remains a mystery.

OK so they were of not much value, but that’s not the point. They were checked in, your library management system says so. A couple were on a licenced loan from another library and you can track them clearly on the inter library loans system you have in place. So they must still be within your library?

Perhaps you shouldn’t over think it, but it is in your nature to be meticulous and to know where all the titles are. You will leave no stone unturned until all titles are fully accounted for.

Not that Spectre

The current problem is that one of the missing titles is called Spectre and it keeps getting requested by others on the ILL. No… not the new and eagerly awaited James Bond release but that classic novel by William Shatner Spectre, who knew? (Yes it really does exist). Oh if only that copy would turn up.

Sometimes we have to let things like this pass us by, otherwise the frustrations of small things like this would hinder the rest of the daily duties we have to contend with.

We really should put our trust in technology and not get too shaken or stirred when titles go astray.

Enjoy the new James Bond Spectre when it is released October 26th 2015 across cinemas in the UK. As for the other one, well perhaps one for your Trekkies to go and boldly find amongst the shelves of your local library.

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