Managing Digital Documents in a Corporate Library

Are you seeing the need to manage more digital documents, as an increasingly large proportion of a corporate library collection is now in electronic format…
Latest Updates from Soutron Summer 2021

We continue to explore how we can improve and extend search capabilities and by the beginning of…
Latest Updates from Soutron Fall 2020

Despite the various restrictions placed upon us due to Covid we have continued to work but…
Copyright and Intellectual Property

April 26th 2020 was World Intellectual Property day. This day was chosen because it…
Soutron Support: Update regarding Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

We have implemented a working from home policy for most of our staff which ensures that…
Working at the front line! – Soutron Helpdesk

Sometimes a help desk call is very specific to a particular client’s database and an example of this came up this morning…
Welcome to 2020 A New Decade Dawns

It’s 2020, the New Year is upon us and a new decade! Today, we are already developing the next generation of Soutron Library & Archive application. As well as changing the user interface we are…
Challenges and Opportunities for the Corporate Librarian

Soutron is incredibly excited to be at the forefront of library and archive automation. So many changes and opportunities.
Book Publishers and Power to the People!

For a number of years, I have been frustrated by publishers for whom digital eBooks are a protected species: more expensive than the physical equivalent and not to be sold by anyone other than…
Modernizing Library Automation: New Code and New Designs

Our Modernizing Software Agenda: a strategy to modernize and streamline library automation workflows…