11 Considerations when Choosing a Library Management System (LMS)

Library Management Systems Considerations

Are you considering purchasing a Library Management System? Do you need a web based application for the administering, documenting, reporting, trace and delivery of electronic documents? If so, please consider the following points when making your selection:

1 – Is it future proofed? Will it accommodate new cataloguing rules and formats and is the database sound and well thought out?
2 – What is it’s pedigree? ? Is support guaranteed by longevity of personnel and company? Do you trust the team that is running the business?
3 – Is it mobile ready? Can you deploy across all staff, in any location?
4 – How is Search delivered? One web page? Multiple flexible options? Combined with other sources?
5 – Will a LMS meet the needs of my end users when searching for content?
6 – What efficiencies can I introduce using the system? Can I have exactly what I want ?
7 – How can a Library Management System help my organisation?
8 – Is it a safe harbour to guarantee data and content is securely stored and indexed?
9 – It saves money. Compared to each member of staff going out and reinventing wheels!
10 – Prevents maverick spending by lack of centralised control!
11 – An LMS aids innovation If implemented as part of a knowledge services approach to managing information!

Do you agree, disagree or have you found another consideration, when deciding upon a Library Management System? We would love to know your own thoughts. See below.


View more posts by Graham Beastall Graham Beastall – Senior Consultant and Managing Director. Graham’s background is in Accountancy, Public Administration and Organisational Theory with a deep technical understanding of databases and web technologies. More posts by Graham.

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