Meet Soutron at the CILIP LMS Suppliers Showcase 2015

Visit Soutron at CILIP Showcase Scotland


We are pleased to announce that Soutron will be exhibiting at CILIP’s LMS Showcase in Edinburgh on 15 September. The Showcase is an informal and relaxed, “non-sales” environment allowing you to meet us face-to-face so that you can:

  • See our products being demonstrated
  • Have your questions answered and suggestions listened to
  • Learn more about what Soutron can do for you and your organisation

To ensure we allocate time to spend with you, you can now book an appointment with us in advance. When you register your free place, simply select us from the list and we will then contact you to make an appointment at a time that suits you.

Register Today!

Attending the event is FREE, however space is limited and you will need to register your place via

Event Location

Thistle King James Hotel
107 Leith Street
United Kingdom

The event will be open: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm

See map: Google Maps

We look forward to seeing you there.

The Soutron Team

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